My name is Sebastian Spiller, I was born in 1978 and I am the son of a farmer from Poland. After attending school there, I successfully concluded an apprenticeship as motorcar metal worker and coachbuilder.
I participated in the day-to-day work on my parents’ farm by driving all kinds of trucks and agricultural vehicles. I also took part in voluntary fire brigade operations and assisted in many other activities of the local community.
In 1998, I went into national service in Poland, and in the year 2000 I moved to Germany with my family. In myfree time, I am an enthusiastic motorbike rider, a keen footballer and also greatly enjoy angling with my two sons.
After employment at various companies (including a local manufacturer of combine harvesters), I have spent the last 13 years working at a leading manufacturer of screening and size reduction equipment, where my field of responsibility was final assembly, as well as national and international (e.g. USA) maintenance service for companies operating such units. After gaining over 13 years of experience and undergoing further training at a German night school to the qualification of State-Certified Technician, I decided to become self-employed. My professional competence and human skills, together with my qualities of flexibility, reliability, ability to work under pressure and enthusiasm for my profession, provide me with a sound basis for the future.
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Sebastian Spiller
Soester Straße 17a
59329 Wadersloh
Telefon: 02520. 93 19 27 4
Fax:: 02520. 93 19 27 5
Mobil: 0151. 18 56 55 14